Reply to: Shark mortality cannot be assessed by fishery overlap alone.

Nuno Queiroz, Nicolas E Humphries, Ana Couto, Marisa Vedor, Ivo da Costa, Ana M M Sequeira, Gonzalo Mucientes, António M Santos, Francisco J Abascal, Debra L Abercrombie, Katya Abrantes, David Acuña-Marrero, André S Afonso, Pedro Afonso, Darrell Anders, Gonzalo Araujo, Randall Arauz, Pascal Bach, Adam Barnett, Diego BernalMichael L. Berumen, Sandra Bessudo Lion, Natalia P A Bezerra, Antonin V Blaison, Barbara A Block, Mark E Bond, Ramon Bonfil, Russell W Bradford, Camrin D Braun, Edward J Brooks, Annabelle Brooks, Judith Brown, Barry D Bruce, Michael E Byrne, Steven E Campana, Aaron B Carlisle, Demian D Chapman, Taylor K Chapple, John Chisholm, Christopher R Clarke, Eric G Clua, Jesse E M Cochran, Estelle C Crochelet, Laurent Dagorn, Ryan Daly, Daniel Devia Cortés, Thomas K Doyle, Michael Drew, Clinton A J Duffy, Thor Erikson, Eduardo Espinoza, Luciana C Ferreira, Francesco Ferretti, John D Filmalter, G Chris Fischer, Richard Fitzpatrick, Jorge Fontes, Fabien Forget, Mark Fowler, Malcolm P Francis, Austin J Gallagher, Enrico Gennari, Simon D Goldsworthy, Matthew J Gollock, Jonathan R Green, Johan A Gustafson, Tristan L Guttridge, Hector M Guzman, Neil Hammerschlag, Luke Harman, Fábio H V Hazin, Matthew Heard, Alex R Hearn, John C Holdsworth, Bonnie J Holmes, Lucy A Howey, Mauricio Hoyos, Robert E Hueter, Nigel E Hussey, Charlie Huveneers, Dylan T Irion, David M P Jacoby, Oliver J D Jewell, Ryan Johnson, Lance K B Jordan, Warren Joyce, Clare A Keating Daly, James T Ketchum, A Peter Klimley, Alison A Kock, Pieter Koen, Felipe Ladino, Fernanda O Lana, James S E Lea, Fiona Llewellyn, Warrick S Lyon, Anna MacDonnell, Bruno C L Macena, Heather Marshall, Jaime D McAllister, Michael A Meÿer, John J Morris, Emily R Nelson, Yannis P Papastamatiou, Cesar Peñaherrera-Palma, Simon J Pierce, Francois Poisson, Lina Maria Quintero, Andrew J Richardson, Paul J Rogers, Christoph A Rohner, David R L Rowat, Melita Samoilys, Jayson M Semmens, Marcus Sheaves, George Shillinger, Mahmood Shivji, Sarika Singh, Gregory B Skomal, Malcolm J Smale, Laurenne B Snyders, German Soler, Marc Soria, Kilian M Stehfest, Simon R Thorrold, Mariana T Tolotti, Alison Towner, Paulo Travassos, John P Tyminski, Frederic Vandeperre, Jeremy J Vaudo, Yuuki Y Watanabe, Sam B Weber, Bradley M Wetherbee, Timothy D White, Sean Williams, Patricia M Zárate, Robert Harcourt, Graeme C Hays, Mark G Meekan, Michele Thums, Xabier Irigoien, Victor M Eguiluz, Carlos M. Duarte, Lara L Sousa, Samantha J Simpson, Emily J Southall, David W Sims

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)E8-E16
Number of pages1
Issue number7866
StatePublished - Jul 8 2021

Bibliographical note

KAUST Repository Item: Exported on 2021-07-13
Acknowledgements: Funding support was provided by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) (NE/R00997/X/1), European Research Council (ERC-AdG-2019 883583 OCEAN DEOXYFISH) (D.W.S.), Australian Research Council (ARC DP210103091) (A.M.M.S. and D.W.S.), Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia CEECIND/02857/2018 (N.Q.), PTDC/BIA-COM/28855/2017 (M.V.) and a 2020 Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation (A.M.M.S.). This research is part of the Global Shark Movement Project (

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