Perovskite oxide for emerging photo(electro)catalysis in energy and environment

Ming Li, Ning Han, Xi Zhang, Shuo Wang, Man Jiang, Awais Bokhari, Wei Zhang, Marco Race, Zhangfeng Shen, Ruofei Chen, Muhammad Mubashir, Kuan Shiong Khoo, Swee Sen Teo, Pau Loke Show

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

69 Scopus citations


Using solar energy to catalyse photo-driven processes to address the energy crisis and environmental pollution plays a role in the path to a sustainable society. Many oxide-based materials, especially perovskite oxides, have been widely investigated as catalysts for photocatalysis in energy and environment because of the low-cost and earth-abundant and good performance. At this stage, there is a need to present a scientific-based evaluation of the technologies developed so far and identify the most sustainable technologies and the existing limitations and opportunities for their commercialisation. This work comprehensively investigated the outcomes using various scientometric indices on perovskite oxide-based photo(electro)catalysts for water splitting, nitrogen fixation, carbon dioxide conversion, organic pollutant degradation, current trends and advances in the field. According to the results achieved, efforts in both energy and environment based on perovskite oxides have been initiated in the 1990s and accelerated since the 2010s. China and the United States were identified as the most contributing countries. Based on the results achieved in this study, the main milestones and current trends in the development of this field have been identified. The aim of this research is to provide useful guidelines for the further investigation of perovskite oxide-based catalysts for photoelectrocatalysis and photocatalysis both in energy and environment on the applications such as water splitting, nitrogen fixation, carbon dioxide conversion, and wastewater treatment.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalEnvironmental Research
StatePublished - Apr 1 2022
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

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ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biochemistry
  • General Environmental Science


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