Optimal remote state estimation for self-propelled particle models

Shinkyu Park, Nuno C. Martins

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

6 Scopus citations


We investigate the design of a remote state estimation system for a self-propelled particle (SPP). Our framework consists of a sensing unit that accesses the full state of the SPP and an estimator that is remotely located from the sensing unit. The sensing unit must pay a cost when it decides to transmit information on the state of the SPP to the estimator; and the estimator computes the best estimate of the state of the SPP based on received information. In this paper, we provide methods to design transmission policies and estimation rules for the sensing unit and estimator, respectively, that are optimal for a given cost functional combining state estimation distortion and communication costs. We consider two notions of optimality: joint optimality and person-by-person optimality.1 Our main results establish the existence of a jointly optimal solution and describe an iterative procedure to find a person-by-person optimal solution. In addition, we explain how the remote estimation scheme can be applied to tracking of animal movements over a costly communication link. We also provide experimental results to show the effectiveness of the scheme.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publication2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2016
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Number of pages7
ISBN (Print)9781509018376
StatePublished - Dec 27 2016
Externally publishedYes

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