N-H group-rich dendrimer doped polybenzimidazole composite membrane with consecutive proton transportation channels for HT-PEMFCs

Geng Cheng, Zhen Li, Erli Qu, Shan Ren, Dongmei Han, Min Xiao, Shuanjin Wang, Yuezhong Meng

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


It's of significant importance for the development of proton exchange membranes with low phosphoric acid (PA) uptake, high proton conductivity, better proton conduction stability and low production-costs for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells (HT-PEMFCs). Featured with variable structure and diversified functionality, porous organic networks are newly emerged filler materials for polyelectrolytes in energy conversion field. In this work, a typical Schiff-base type porous polymeric network (SNW-1) with abundant N–H sites was synthesized and blended with ether-type polybenzimidazole (PBI) for the first time. The thermal and chemical stability of the as-prepared composite membranes completely satisfy the practical requirements of HT-PEMFCs. The constructed consecutive proton conduction channels endow the composite membranes higher proton conductivity with low PA uptake. When the doping content of SNW-1 reached 30%, the PBI/30%-SNW-1 membrane showed much higher proton conductivity with lower PA uptake (114.0 mS cm−1, 175.0%) comparing with those of the pristine PBI (67.3 mS cm−1, 270.0%) at 160 °C. The PBI/x%-SNW-1 membranes also exhibited better proton conduction stability. After 30 h of long-time evaluation at 140 °C, PBI/30%-SNW-1 composite membrane gives only an 8.47% decay of proton conductivity, which is lower than that of the pristine PBI (12.84%). The preparation procedure of PBI/x%-SNW-1 composite membranes is simple, which provides a potential pathway for the development of high-performance proton exchange membrane for HT-PEMFCs.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalElectrochimica Acta
StatePublished - Dec 1 2022
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

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ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Chemical Engineering
  • Electrochemistry


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