Mitigation of CO2 emissions by transforming to biofuels: Optimization of biofuels production processes

Ahmad Mukhtar, Sidra Saqib, Muhammad Mubashir, Sami Ullah, Abrar Inayat, Abid Mahmood, Muhammad Ibrahim, Pau Loke Show

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


Biodiesel is typically produced from a wide variety of edible vegetable oils. The cost of biofuels is projected to rise in the future as an alternative and ecologically suitable replacement to traditional fuel. Reliable and inexpensive raw materials, including meat processing by-products or waste animal fats, have rapidly attracted interest in biodiesel production. The operational and reaction parameters play an important role in the conversion of processes and biodiesel yield. Kinetic models explain the reaction rate and process optimization to improve the biodiesel conversion process. The process intensification approaches applied by different researchers are illustrated in the current study. This paper proposes a groundbreaking solution to stepping up biodiesel development by utilizing a coalescer reactor and a preliminary review to justify the solution's potential for further analysis. Optimization techniques and kinetics studies used to enhance biodiesel production from renewable sources are explored in the current review paper.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
StatePublished - Oct 1 2021
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

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