Local extinction in piloted turbulent partially premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air jet flames

Hao Tang, Robert Barlow, Gaetano Magnotti*

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This work investigates local extinction in piloted turbulent, partially premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air flames at Reynolds numbers of 24,000 (Flame D) and 36,000 (Flame F). 1D Raman/Rayleigh/LIF techniques provide quantitative measurements of major species, mixture fraction, temperature, OH mole fraction, and qualitative NH2-LIF detection. Flame D, exhibiting minimal extinction events, serves as a reference for Flame F, which has significant levels of local extinction. Laminar flame simulations reveal three local peaks in heat release rate within the mixture fraction space: Zone 1 near stoichiometry with peak OH, Zone 2 at peak temperature, and Zone 3 at peak NH2. Scatter plots of temperature, OH, NH2, and major species highlight differing local extinction behaviors across these zones at various axial heights. The quantitative Extinction Probability based on thresholds of OH, temperature, and NH2 corroborates observations from the scatter plots. Zones 1 and 2 predominantly exhibit extinction events at downstream distance relative to jet diameter, Z/D, of 4 to 6, whereas Zone 3′s extinction probability peaks farther downstream, indicating that both extinction and re-ignition are driven by the leaner heat release regions. Detailed Probability Density Function (PDF) distributions are analyzed, focusing on Z/D of 4 and 10, the heights where the local extinction is most evident. The PDF profiles for burnt samples in Flames D and F are nearly identical at both axial heights. While the distinct shift to lower of species concentration and temperature are observed in the extinction samples at Z/D = 10. These turbulent flames may serve as interesting test cases for models aimed at predicting the stability of practical ammonia-based combustors.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number105472
JournalProceedings of the Combustion Institute
Issue number1-4
StatePublished - Jan 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024


  • Ammonia
  • Local extinction
  • Piloted flames
  • Raman/Rayleigh/LIF
  • Turbulent jet flames

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Chemical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry


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