Introducing the mangrove microbiome initiative: Identifying microbial research priorities and approaches to better understand, protect, and rehabilitate mangrove ecosystems

S.M. Allard, M.T. Costa, A.N. Bulseco, V. Helfer, L.G.E. Wilkins, C. Hassenrück, K. Zengler, M. Zimmer, N. Erazo, J.L. Mazza Rodrigues, N. Duke, V.M.M. Melo, I. Vanwonterghem, H. Junca, H.M. Makonde, D.J. Jiménez, T.C.L. Tavares, M. Fusi, D. Daffonchio, C.M. DuarteR.S. Peixoto, A.S. Rosado, J.A. Gilbert, J. Bowman

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1228 Scopus citations


Mangrove ecosystems provide important ecological benefits and ecosystem services, including carbon storage and coastline stabilization, but they also suffer great anthropogenic pressures. Microorganisms associated with mangrove sediments and the rhizosphere play key roles in this ecosystem and make essential contributions to its productivity and carbon budget. Understanding this nexus and moving from descriptive studies of microbial taxonomy to hypothesis-driven field and lab studies will facilitate a mechanistic understanding of mangrove ecosystem interaction webs and open opportunities for microorganism-mediated approaches to mangrove protection and rehabilitation. Such an effort calls for a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, involving chemists, ecologists, evolutionary biologists, microbiologists, oceanographers, plant scientists, conservation biologists, and stakeholders, and it requires standardized methods to support reproducible experiments. Here, we outline the Mangrove Microbiome Initiative, which is focused around three urgent priorities and three approaches for advancing mangrove microbiome research. Copyright © 2020 Allard et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2020

Bibliographical note

Cited By :2

Export Date: 5 May 2021

Correspondence Address: Allard, S.M.; Department of Pediatrics, United States; email: [email protected]

Funding details: Natural Environment Research Council, NERC

Funding details: National Eye Research Centre, NERC, NE/S006990/1

Funding text 1: M.F. acknowledges funding from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC grant NE/S006990/1).

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  • Ecosystem rehabilitation
  • Ecosystem services
  • Mangrove
  • Microbiome
  • Rhizosphere
  • ecologist
  • human
  • mangrove
  • microbiology
  • microbiome
  • nonhuman
  • rehabilitation
  • research priority
  • review
  • rhizosphere


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