From red to green: building and managing the scientific electronic collections for a new Sci-Tech University Library

Rashed Al Zahrani, Rindra M. Ramli

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    Electronic resources have evolved to become one of the most important resources within the library’s collection. The growths of these resources and the players involved within this area have provided library users with another alternative to obtain information. When implemented correctly with library assistance (library trainings, reference consultations and so forth), library users can access these electronic resources anywhere in the world with relative ease as long as there is an internet connection. Geographic barriers are no longer an issue and information can be obtained in a just-in-time manner. This paper describes how KAUST library built its electronic resources and how they grew into what it is today. Issues such as manpower, expertise level, budget, ERM tools, library-vendor relations and library-user communication will also be elaborated in the paper. Despite its drawbacks, KAUST library has managed to overcome most of them and strived to improve certain areas of concern. The paper will also describe the library’s ERM future directions and strategic planning. KAUST University was opened in September 2009 and it started out with its first cohort of 800 graduate students (25% female) taught by 100 faculties. The main areas of study focus on science and engineering divisions consisting mainly of: Mathematics and Computer Science, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences. From a demographic snapshot taken in 2010, 36% of the student body came from Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, 34% from Asia, 21% from Americas, 5% from Europe and 4% from Africa (alZahrani, R. , Branin, J. and Yi , 2012). The university library, when first started, had about 10 staff. The library is known to have a “state-of-the-art learning and information resource center supporting graduate education and advanced scientific research” (KAUST, 2010). The library subscribed to major science databases, electronic journals and books. It also offers a myriad of services from document delivery requests, textbook services, reference assistance and library trainings and consultations just to name a few.
    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Title of host publicationIFLA WLIC 2013 - Singapore - "Future Libraries: Infinite Possibilities"
    PublisherIFLA - International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
    StatePublished - Aug 2013

    Bibliographical note

    KAUST Repository Item: Exported on 2020-10-01


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