Findlater jet induced summer monsoon memory in the Arabian Sea

Vikas Kumar Kushwaha, S. Prasanna Kumar, F. Feba, Karumuri Ashok

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6 Scopus citations


A cross-equatorial low-level wind, known as Findlater Jet (FJ), modulates the thermocline in the Arabian Sea (AS) during summer monsoon (June to September). By analysing ocean and atmospheric data, we show that the FJ signal gets ‘trapped’ in the AS in the form of upper ocean heat content till the following winter months (December to February). This memory is the consequence of the combined effect of FJ-induced wind stress curl and the annual downwelling Rossby waves in the AS. During the summer monsoon months, the strong low-level westerly winds cause a negative wind stress curl in the south of the FJ axis over the central AS, resulting in a deep thermocline and high magnitude of heat being trapped. In winter monsoon months, though the wind stress curl is positive over large parts of the AS and could potentially shoal the thermocline and reduce the upper ocean heat content in the central AS, this does not happen due to two reasons. Firstly, winds are weaker, and spread over a larger area over the AS making the magnitude of the wind stress curl low. Secondly, westward propagating downwelling Rossby wave radiated from the eastern AS deepens the thermocline and prevents ventilation of the trapped heat. During the following spring, the collapse of the Rossby waves leads to the shoaling and mixing of underlying waters with surface waters thereby resurfacing of the trapped heat. The resurfacing of the trapped heat makes the AS a memory bank of the FJ induced signal.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 1 2022
Externally publishedYes

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