Fast 3D target-oriented reverse-time datuming

Shuqian Dong*, Yi Luo, Xiang Xiao, Sergio Chávez-Pérez, Gerard T. Schuster

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17 Scopus citations


Imaging of subsalt sediments is a challenge for traditional migration methods such as Kirchhoff and one-way wave-equation migration. Consequently, the more accurate two-way method of reverse-time migration (RTM) is preferred for subsalt imaging, but its use can be limited by high computation cost. To overcome this problem, a 3D target-oriented reverse-time datuming (RTD) method is presented, which can generate redatumed data economically in target areas beneath complex structures such as salt domes. The redatumed data in the target area then can be migrated inexpensively using a traditional migration method. If the target area is much smaller than the acquisition area, computation costs are reduced significantly by the use of a novel bottom-up strategy to calculate the extrapolated Green's functions. Target-oriented RTD is tested on 2D and 3D SEG/EAGE synthetic data sets and a 3D field data set from the Gulf of Mexico. Results show that target-oriented RTD combined with standard migration can image sediments beneath complex structures accurately with much less calculation effort than full volume RTM. The requirement is that the area over the target zone is smaller than that of the acquisition survey.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberGPYSA7000074000006WCA141000001
Pages (from-to)XWCA141-WCA151
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2009

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geophysics
  • Geochemistry and Petrology


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