Experimental Study on the Pyrolysis and Soot Formation Characteristics of JP‐10 Jet Fuel

Ruining He, Jin Wu, Wenlin Jia, Jinhu Liang, Yang Li

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1 Scopus citations


Experiments of high temperature pyrolysis and soot formation analysis on JP‐10, one of the representatives of fuels, were conducted in order to analyze its properties and help construct its chemical kinetic mechanism. High‐temperature pyrolysis and fuel‐rich oxidation experiments were carried out on JP‐10 fuel under different conditions using two types of shock tube equipment (SPST and HPST). The pyrolysis experiments were carried out in two working conditions with JP‐10 con-centrations of 200 ppm and 500 ppm (in Ar). Quantitative analyses of JP‐10 pyrolysis products were carried out using gas chromatography, and a total of eight small molecule products below C4 were detected. Among these eight products, methane, ethene, and acetylene were the three main prod-ucts. In the fuel‐rich oxidation experiments for soot formation analysis, a total of nine working conditions were designed, but soot formation was detected only under three of them. The soot induc-tion delay time and soot yield of JP‐10 were investigated using laser absorption measurement. The SYmax (the maximum amount of soot yield) and other relevant parameters were investigated under these three different working conditions. At a pressure of 3 bar and a temperature of 1884.10 K, the soot yield reached a maximum of 14.3. In addition to practical insights from these data, they were also useful for the construction and validation of the chemical kinetic mechanism of JP‐10.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Issue number3
StatePublished - Feb 1 2022
Externally publishedYes

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  • General Computer Science


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