Experimental investigation of the NOx formation and control during the self-sustaining incineration process of N-containing VOCs (DIMETHYLFORMAMIDE)

Shijie Zheng, Yan Qian, Xuebin Wang, Milan Vujanović, Yingjia Zhang, Zia Ur Rahman, Penghui Yang, Fei Duan, Houzhang Tan, Amir De Toni, Yang Li, Hrvoje Mikulćić

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9 Scopus citations


An experimental investigation was conducted on N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) pyrolysis at medium-temperature followed by extremely fuel-lean combustion. Furthermore, the NH3-SNCR (Selective non-catalytic reduction) method was studied to control NOx produced in DMF oxidation. Jet-stirred reactors (JSRs) were used in experimental investigation, because the uniform gas-phase mixing state formed by high-speed turbulence in JSR makes the validation of detailed models easier. The major gaseous species produced by pyrolysis, oxidation, and SNCR, namely H2, N2, CO, CO2, NOx, N2O, HCN, and CxHy, are quantified because the mechanism of NOx reduction will be elaborated using these species. The results show that the main nitrogen-containing pyrolysis products are HCN and N2, taking up 65% and 25% of DMF nitrogen, while carbon-containing pyrolysis products are mostly CO, CH4 and HCN. The HCN concentration increases significantly by 42.13% as pyrolysis time increases from 1.5 to 7 s. In oxidation, HCN and N2O concentration peaks are at 650 °C and 750 °C respectively, and NO concentration increases as temperature enhances when it is over 800 °C. A higher ratio of NO/N2O concentration was shown in oxidation of the higher equivalence ratio. The de-NOx efficiency of NH3-SNCR on oxidation flue gas peaked in range 825–875 °C, and as the NH3/NO ratio increased to more than 2.5, NO removal rate tended to reach the maximum of about 50%. The N2O removal rate rose significantly as temperature exceeded 900 °C in SNCR. The results shows the feasibility of NO emission control with DMF containing VOCs incineration in current industrial applications·NH3-SNCR at 825–875 °C shows significant de-NOx effect, but not a proper solution to limit N2O emission at the same time. This study could provide guidance for designing and optimizing the incinerator parameters and its de-NOx system, as well as provide validation data for future chemical kinetic model capable of predicting DMF combustion.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - May 1 2022
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Generated from Scopus record by KAUST IRTS on 2023-10-22

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Energy Engineering and Power Technology
  • Organic Chemistry
  • General Chemical Engineering
  • Fuel Technology


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