Elucidating the impacts of intermittent in-situ ozonation in a ceramic membrane bioreactor: Micropollutant removal, microbial community evolution and fouling mechanisms

Muhammad Bilal Asif, Chengyue Li, Baoyu Ren, Tahir Maqbool, Xihui Zhang, Zhenghua Zhang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

43 Scopus citations


In this study, impacts of in-situ ozonation applied directly in the membrane tank of a ceramic MBR (Oz-MBR) were assessed to elucidate its implications on micropollutant removal, microbial taxa and membrane fouling. The basic effluent quality (i.e., bulk organics and nutrients) of the MBR without and with in-situ ozonation was comparable. Importantly, pollutant-specific (10-26%) improvement in micropollutant removal was achieved by the Oz-MBR, which could be attributed to the increase in the abundance of microbial taxa responsible for the removal of structurally complex pollutants and/or ozone-assisted oxidation. In-situ ozonation affected the abundance of denitrifying bacteria and functional genes but total nitrogen removal by the Oz-MBR was comparable to that achieved by the control (C)-MBR. Improved mixed liquor properties, and the reduced accumulation of foulants on the membrane surface resulted in membrane fouling alleviation (53%) in the Oz-MBR. In addition, fouling models evaluated for the first time in the case of Oz-MBR indicated that the cake-complete model was suitable to explain membrane fouling mechanism. This comprehensive study demonstrates the performance of MBR coupled with in-situ ozonation, and the obtained results would serve as a useful reference for its implementation at pilot- and/or full-scale.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalJournal of hazardous materials
StatePublished - Jan 15 2021
Externally publishedYes

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