Effect of hybrid reinforcements on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ti-5al-5mo-5v-fe-cr titanium alloy

Shuyu Sun, Weijie Lu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


In order to investigate the different effects of trace TiB and TiC on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-1Fe-1Cr Ti alloy, two different modified Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-1Fe-1Cr Ti alloys are fabricated via a consumable vacuum arc-remelting furnace in this work. Though the volume fractions of the reinforcements are the same in the two alloys, the molar ratio of short fibers to particles is different. The materials are subjected to thermomechanical processing and heat treatment. The effects of TiB short fibers and TiC particles on the spheroidization of α phase or the refinement of β phase have no obvious difference during heat treatment. Subsequently, the room temperature tensile test is carried out. The area covered by the σ-ε curve of the tensile test is used to compare toughness. It is revealed that the refinement of the β phase and the load bearing of TiB play key roles in promoting the toughness of the alloys. TiB tends to parallel the external load during tensile tests. The distribution of TiB also changes during isothermal compression test. Owing to the competition of dynamic softening with dynamic hardening, the length direction of TiB tends to parallel to the direction of maximum shear stress during the compression, which makes TiB play the role of load bearing better.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 1 2017
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

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ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Materials Science


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