Chelating polymer modified P84 nanofiltration (NF) hollow fiber membranes for high efficient heavy metal removal

Jie Gao, Shi Peng Sun, Wen Ping Zhu, Tai Shung Chung*

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    250 Scopus citations


    High performance nanofiltration (NF) membranes for heavy metal removal have been molecularly designed by adsorption of chelating polymers containing negatively charged functional groups such as poly (acrylic acid-co-maleic acid) (PAM), poly (acrylic acid) (PAA) and poly (dimethylamine-co-epichlorohydrin-co-ethylenediamine) (PDMED) on the positively charged polyethyleneimine (PEI) cross-linked P84 hollow fiber substrates. Not only do these chelating polymers change the membrane surface charge and pore size, but also provide an extra mean to remove heavy metal ions through adsorption in addition to traditional steric effect and Donnan exclusion. The adsorbed membranes have comparable water permeability and superior rejections to heavy metals, for instance, Pb(NO3)2, CuSO4, NiCl2, CdCl2, ZnCl2, Na2Cr2O7 and Na2HAsO4, with rejections higher than 98%. The membranes also display excellent rejections to mixed ions with rejections more than 99%. The newly developed membranes show reasonably stability during 60-htests as well as multiple washes.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)252-261
    Number of pages10
    JournalWater research
    StatePublished - Oct 15 2014


    • Cheating polymer
    • Heavy metal ions
    • Hollow fiber membrane
    • Hyperbranched polyethyleneimine
    • Nanofiltration
    • P84 polyimide

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Water Science and Technology
    • Ecological Modeling
    • Pollution
    • Waste Management and Disposal


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