A Design of Wireless Power Receiver with Gate Charge Recycled Dual-Mode Active Rectifier and Step-Down Converter with 88.2% System Efficiency for Power Management IC

Syed Adil Ali Shah, Danial Khan, Qurat Ul Ain, Muhammad Basim, Khuram Shehzad, Deeksha Verma, Pervesh Kumar, Joon Mo Yoo, Young Gun Pu, Yeonjae Jung, Hyungki Huh, Seokkee Kim, Keum Cheol Hwang, Youngoo Yang, Kang Yoon Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


This article presents a power management integrated circuit for a wireless power receiver unit. A dual-mode high-efficiency active rectifier design is based on alliance for wireless power (A4WP) and wireless power consortium (WPC) standards. A gate charge recycling technique is proposed in the dual-mode active rectifier so that the current generated by the switching of the high side gate driver can be recycled to the rectifier output voltage in order to enhance efficiency. A step-down dc-dc converter with a proposed bootstrap circuit and dynamic pull-up resistor gate driver circuit is designed. The chip is implemented in a 0.18-μm bipolar-CMOS double-diffused metal-oxide-semiconductor process. The total die area, including the pad, is 2.64 mm × 2.6 mm. The measurement results show that the active rectifier achieves peak power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 94.7% and generates an output voltage of 7.68 V in WPC mode and 9.1 V with 93.4% efficiency in A4WPC mode. The input voltage varies from 10 VP-P-12 VP-P. Similarly, the step-down dc-dc converter obtains a peak PCE of 93.2% at a load current of 500 mA while producing an output voltage of 5 V. The overall system efficiency at A4WP and WPC mode are 86.7% and 88.2%, respectively.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1348-1360
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 2023
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

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