- 4 results
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Reports from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Advance Knowledge in Environmental Science (Habitat suitability models reveal extensive distribution of deep warm-water coral frameworks in the Red Sea)
Jones, B., Kheireddine, M., Ouhssain, M., Benzoni, F. & Marchese, F.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Reports Summarize Marine Science Research from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (Lost in the dark: Antipatharia-Symbiodiniaceae association in the deep waters of the Red Sea)
Benzoni, F., Marchese, F., Bocanegra Castano, C., Oury, N. & Vimercati, S.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Researchers' Work from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Focuses on Marine Science (Consistent Symbiodiniaceae Community Assemblage In a Mesophotic-specialist Coral Along the Saudi Arabian Red Sea)
Ouhssain, M., Steckbauer, A., Benzoni, F., Marchese, F., Vimercati, S., Barreca, F. & Bocanegra Castano, C.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
New Marine Science Study Results Reported from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (Diversity and distribution of coral gall crabs associated with Red Sea mesophotic corals)
Benzoni, F., Marchese, F. & Vimercati, S.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media