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Asmaa Abdallah
- Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering - Post-Doctoral Fellow
Person: Post-Doctoral
Amr Abdelhady
- Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering - Post-Doctoral Fellow
Person: Post-Doctoral
Sherin Abdelrahman
- Biological, Environmental Sciences and Engineering - Post-Doctoral Fellow
Person: Post-Doctoral
Abdulfattah Abdul Fattah
- Extreme Computing Research Center - Post-Doctoral Fellow
Person: Post-Doctoral
Nor Abdullah
- Biological, Environmental Sciences and Engineering - Research Specialist
Person: Research Scientist
Iqbaal Abdurrokhman
- Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials Center - Post-Doctoral Fellow
Person: Post-Doctoral
Omar Abed
Abdugaffor Ablazov
- Center for Desert Agriculture - Post-Doctoral Fellow
- Plant Science
Person: PhD Student, Post-Doctoral
Ammar Aboalsaud
Mohamad Abou Daher
Edy Abou Hamad
Abubakar Abubakar
Antonio Adamo
- Bioscience - Assistant Professor, Bioscience
- Biological, Environmental Sciences and Engineering
Person: Faculty
Mouadh Addassi
- Ali I. Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center - Research Scientist
Person: Research Scientist
Laxman Adhikari
- Biological, Environmental Sciences and Engineering - Research Scientist
Person: Research Scientist
Ania Adil
- Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering - Post-Doctoral Fellow
Person: Post-Doctoral