Mass spectrometer - TSQ Vantage LC-MS/MS

  • Heiko Langner (Manager)

Equipment/facility: Equipment

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    King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Thuwal 23955

    Saudi Arabia

Equipments Details


Mass spectrometry - MS - system to determine molecular weight at low resolution using liquid chromatography. Separation of a mixture of compounds is applied for quantification.
Model: TSQ Vantage

The direct benefit of more signal is better assay precision and accuracy. Combined with a robust new ion source, second generation (G2) ion optics and hyperbolic quadrupoles, the TSQ Vantageā„¢ delivers the highest sensitivity with the lowest chemical noise.


NameMass spectrometer - TSQ Vantage LC-MS/MS
Acquisition date07/1/10
ManufacturersThermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.


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