Kratos Axis Ultra DLD XPS

  • Kun Li (Manager)

Equipment/facility: Equipment

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    King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Thuwal 23955

    Saudi Arabia

Equipments Details


Axis Ultra DLD system is the state of the art electron spectrometer combining X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), micro XPS and imaging XPS. The system is equipped with monochromatic X-ray source and dual Al-Mg anode. High collection efficiency and high spatial resolution is provided by a magnetic lens. For low collection angles an electrostatic lens can be used, either independently or in combination with the magnetic lens. Hemispherical analyser - HSA - provides both high energy resolution and high sensitivity for micro spectroscopy with spatial resolution.
Model: AXIS Ultra DLD


NameKratos Axis Ultra DLD XPS
Acquisition date04/1/10
ManufacturersKratos Analytical


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