This dataset is supplementary material to the article by Xu et al. (2016) ‘Graben formation and dike arrest during the 2009 Harrat Lunayyir dike intrusion in Saudi Arabia: Insights from InSAR, stress calculations and analog experiments’. The Authors described the spatial and temporal effects of a propagating dike on crustal deformation, including the interaction with faulting, using a multidisciplinary approach. This supplementary material concerns the analog modelling part only. For a detailed description of the experimental procedure, set-up and materials used, please refer to the article of Xu et al. (2016; paragraph 5).
The data available in this supplementary publication are:
- A folder ( containing: 1. top-view pictures (e.g. ‘lunayyr1_0025.JPG’) and displacement data obtained with MatPiv (e.g. ‘uun25.mat’ and ‘uvn25.mat’; dike parallel and orthogonal components; respectively) shown in figure 6 of Xu et al 2016. 2. a Matlab script (‘fig6_a_h.m’) that allows reproducing the same figure setup as in figure 6 panels a-h of Xu et al 2016. The thick red line highlights dike position. The background shading refers to dike orthogonal displacement.
- A folder ( containing: 1. surface deformation data obtained with MatPiv. Each file (‘vel_fine_piv#.mat’) contains 4 elements (x, y, u, v) representing the coordinates and horizontal and vertical component of incremental velocity field organized in a 143 x 215 matrix; 2. the run_movie.m Matlab script. Running it the user can visualize the space-time evolution of cumulative surface displacement. The background shading refers to dike orthogonal component of displacement. The thick red line highlights dike position.
- A folder ( containing the whole set of pictures from the experiment shown in Xu et al., 2016.
- A movie (2019-003_Corbi-et-al_graben formation.mp4) obtained using the whole set of pictures (96 photos). The thick red line highlights dike position. The amount of dike opening is reported as header.
- A movie (2019-003_Corbi-et-al_cum_displacement.mp4) showing the space-time evolution of cumulative surface displacement, where the background shading refers to dike orthogonal component of displacement. The thick red line highlights dike position.