Performance Improvements in Conjugated Polymer

  • Iain McCulloch (Creator)
  • Mark Nikolka (Creator)
  • Guillaume Schweicher (Creator)
  • John Armitage (Creator)
  • Iyad Nasrallah (Creator)
  • Cameron Jellett (Creator)
  • Zhijie Guo (Creator)
  • Michael Hurhangee (Creator)
  • Aditya Sadhanala (Creator)
  • Christian B. Nielsen (Creator)
  • Henning Sirringhaus (Creator)



Data on the stability of conjugated polymer OFETs. The data set contains all the data presented in the paper (Figures 1 through 4) and consists of transistor transfer and output characteristics as well as the extracted field-effect mobility for some devices (For others it can directly be extraxted from the containing raw data) and photothermal absorption spectroscopy (PDS) data.
Date made availableJul 10 2018
PublisherApollo - University of Cambridge Repository

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